Configuration file validator

Check your CasparCG.config file for errors. It will validate XML, verify that only known tags are used, checks if you are using example code and verifies values of most tags. For a valid configuration file it will summarize the number of channels and configured outputs.

List of CasparCG forks

Lists all known forks of CasparCG with comments and information on last push. Uses the latest data from GitHub and is presented in a sortable table so it's easy to use for monitoring the CCG ecosystem.

Overview of CasparCG issues

List of the latest issues from CasparCG/server, CasparCG/help, CasparCG/media-scanner, CasparCG/client and nrkno/tv-automation-casparcg-server. Note that this API from GitHub is heavily rate limited.

GitHub searches related to CasparCG

Quick searches for CasparCG (and it's misspellings), sorted for most recent results. Easily see if there are new clients, templates or libraries released on GitHub

CasparCG resources